Have a question or concern?
Email us at: [email protected]
CONTACT/ ORDER FORM: We will respond within 3 days during our regular business hours. If you do not receive a response email within this time, please contact us again. (we do make mistakes, and all requests are important!) *We try to answer last minute orders faster! (required) means we MUST have this information, or we may not be able to help you further. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Please repeat Your Email (check spelling) (required) DATE NEEDED: *NO custom orders available on Holidays or Holiday weekends** (required): Time needed for items to be ready for pick up: Type of Event: Total Budget (required) $35-$70$50-$100$100-$150$150-$225$225-$300$300-$400$400 to $600$600 and up ************************************************* If interested in a CUSTOM CAKE: Have you checked our availability calendar first? Yes, I have reviewed the Cake Availability Calendar on the website. ********************************************************************** What are you interested in ordering? (required) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Custom Cake (see calendar for availability)Dessert Style Cake Pops (7 day lead time)Cake Pops in a Custom Color (7 day lead time)Dessert Style Cupcakes (48 hour lead time)Cupcakes in a Custom Color (48 hour lead time)Floral Iced Cupcakes (7 day lead time)Cupcakes with Fondant Accents (7 day lead time)Mini Cupcakes (48 hour lead time)Pull Apart Cupcake Cake (48 hour lead time)Rice Crispy Treats (7 day lead time)Pretzel Rods Dipped in Chocolate (7 day lead time)Cannoli (48 hour lead time)Mini Dessert Cups (7 day lead time)Smash 1st Birthday Cupcake 48 hour lead time)Smash Cake (7 day lead time)Vegan Cupcakes (48 hour lead time)Gluten Free Cupcakes (48 hour lead time) ********************************************************************** List any notes/questions/ concerns/ amounts and your color scheme or theme here. Also, How many guests are you planning to serve? (if ordering a cake): ********************************************************************** If selecting DESSERT STYLE FULL SIZED or MINI CUPCAKES, please select from this menu what you would like: *1 flavor per 6 cupcakes ordered MAX/ 1 tray of minis (24pcs) per flavor:: SCROLL DOWN IF NOT APPLICABLE Vanilla Salted CaramelPlain Jane VanillaClassic Wedding CakeRaspberry Swirl VanillaStrawberries ‘n CreamTuxedoChocolate Iced Party CakeChocolate Peanut ButterCookies & CreamRed VelvetRed Velvet with Cream Cheese FillLemon ButterLemon RaspberryCoconut CreamToasted CoconutToasted Coconut CaramelDeath by ChocolateChocolate Salted CaramelCookie DoughS’moresSnickersStrawberry LemonadeMint ChipHot Fudge SundaeBanana PuddingVanilla PuddingJelly DonutWorm’s ‘n DirtCandy ShoppeCaramel LatteCaramel Mocha LatteSnickerdoodleCinnamon RollFrench ToastHeart Attack BrownieTurtle BrownieCake BatterBoston CreamTiramisu* 1 dozen minimumStrawberry Shortcake* 1 dozen minimum Pineapple Upside Down* 1 dozen minimumApple Pie* 1 dozen minimum ******************************************************************** IMPORTANT: IF selecting FULL SIZE or MINI Cupcakes in a CUSTOM COLOR/ FLORAL ICED CUPCAKES/ CUPCAKES ICED WITH FONDANT ACCESSORIES/ or a PULL APART CUPCAKE CAKE, please select from this DROP DOWN MENU: please select a cupcake flavor and a filling for each cupcake combo you would like// *1 FLAVOR per 6 cupcakes ordered MAX/ 1 flavor per tray of 24 MINIS SCROLL DOWN IF NOT APPLICABLE —— Cupcake Flavor 1: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream ———- Cupcake Flavor 2: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 3: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 4: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 5: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 6: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 7: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream —- Cupcake Flavor 8: NoneVanillaParty CakeLemonChocolate FudgeCookies 'n CreamRed VelvetCinnamon SwirlStrawberry Filling for cupcakes: *strongly suggested to keep moist* NoneEuropean Raspberry JamVanilla Bavarian CreamCoconut CustardCream CheeseLemon CurdChocolate ButtercreamPeanut Butter Buttercream ****************************************************************** If ordering VEGAN CUPCAKES: select from this menu. * 1 flavor per 6 Full Sized cupcakes or tray of 24 minis ordered: SCROLL DOWN IF NOT APPLICABLE Vegan Vanilla iced VanillaVegan Vanilla iced ChocolateVegan Lemon iced VanillaVegan Oreo iced OreoVegan Chocolate iced VanillaVegan Chocolate iced ChocolateVegan Cupcakes iced in a color of choice- must be vanilla/ chocolate/ lemon or oreo *********************************************************************** If ordering GLUTEN FREE CUPCAKES: select from this menu: * 1 flavor per 6 Full Sized cupcakes or tray of 24 minis ordered: SCROLL DOWN IF NOT APPLICABLE Vanilla iced VanillaVanilla iced ChocolateVanilla with Raspberry FillChocolate iced VanillaChocolate iced ChocolateLemon iced VanillaLemon RaspberryParty cake iced VanillaParty Cake iced ChocolateCustom: your choice cake iced color of choice *********************************************************************** Please attach photos of your ideas and inspirations! We NEED this to get a quote going for all custom cakes. File too large? Please see notes, or send separate email with photos. **************************************************************************** EMAIL US photos DIRECTLY IF HAVING ANY ISSUES WITH THIS FORM: [email protected] *Please note that if trying to send a photo, please send a SMALLER VERSION by clicking on the "SMALL 45 KB" button on your phone (bottom center button between " Cancel" and "choose" when selecting a photo to send, it gives an option to change size of file). A larger size will most likely not go through. **************************************************************************************** PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL OUT CONTACT INFO CORRECTLY:IF WE ARE MISSING INFORMATION, OR IF INQUIRING FOR A CAKE ON A DATE OUR CALENDAR ALREADY HAS MARKED AS BOOKED, WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GET BACK TO YOU!